Saturday, August 18, 2007

acidic vs. alkaline foods

okey i just found out why sometimes i experienced back pains, stomach pains, headaches & etc these days, its merely due to my non-stop acidic foods! yeah, i got more acidic foods than that alkaline foods.. arg! its killin me sometimes for i easily got mad and nervous, & it feels like im agitated with no reason... i find it weird and thought of searching over the net on what the heck are these symptoms im experiencing now..

right after i read that stuff, i hurriedly went to convenient store and grab some alkaline foods.. hahahah! i should have known this thing before it made me sick.. whew!

i found out that we should take a ratio between alkaline and acidic foods, it should be 4:1, or 80% of alkaline & 20% of acidic foods, more acids in our body will cause us a lot pains, if you by the way experienced these pains:

* Lack of energy; constant fatigue, loss of physical tone and psychic drive, sensation of heaviness in the limbs, feelings of inability to cope.
* Lower body temperature; frequently feels cold.
* Tendency to get infections.
* Loss of drive, joy, and enthusiasm.
* Depressive tendencies.
* Nervousness: agitation without cause, hyperactivity, sensitivity to high-pitched noises and easily stressed.
* Very pale face.
* Headaches.
* Eyes tear easily.
* Conjunctivitis.
* Inflammation of the corneas and eyelids.
* Acidic saliva.
* Loose teeth.
* Inflamed, sensitive gums.
* Mouth ulcers.
* Cracks at the corners of the lips.
* Recurring infections of throat and tonsils.
* Teeth are sensitive to hot, cold, or acidic foods.
* Teeth have a tendency to crack or chip.
* Pain in the nerves of the teeth.
* Excess stomach acid.
* Acid regurgitation.
* Gastritis.
* Ulcers.
* Nails are thin and split and break easily.
* Hair looks dull, has split ends, and falls out.
* Dry skin.
* Skin tends to be irritated in regions where there are heavy concentrations of sweat.
* Hives.
* Leg cramps and spasms.

you should lessen eating acidic foods... and yeah yeah yeah! im experiencing most of it right now, so i should for a while avoid eating acidic foods..

just google in the net acidic & alkaline foods to have some infos on what are the right foods to eat.

stay safe! happy eating!

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