Friday, February 15, 2008

The MMK's Mansyon

Tonight showed up how I easily got teary eyed with Tagalog Drama series. I've watched Maalala Mo Kaya which features KC Concepcion just to check on her acting skills. Im not a super fan of Maalala Mo Kaya or MMK simply because im really weak when it comes to heavy drama movies, my tears will easily dropped like there's a huge problem of my own. Hmmm... it's true, its where every person who knew me that its through movies that one can see me crying.. hahahahahha.. except of course when my emotions burst out like i cannot anymore hold on to it. And yes my dear friends, i cried with the episode that MMK featured tonight. Little did anyone know as well on how our family survived with the tragic unexpected moments in our family almost 10 years ago. And take note! im an eldest child too.. But that episode tonight just gave me some thoughts of our past and how we survived till we reached this pace of our lives. Hahay! the short reason why i got carried away with the MMK episode tonight aside from KC's first acting on TV. Hope you guys have watched it for it may as well happen to anyone's life. We never know. But strength will always comeout when our weakness will act deeply on ourselves. Got an inspiring words and realization tonight.

1 comment:

hfnl/jtld said...

can't wait to watch KC on TFC. kung ok sa bb ko.kasi most of the time, he wants to watch cartoon :D.

thanks for the visit.