Monday, November 12, 2007


Noon time today i went to St. Jude Church along Malacanang, it was in my thoughts days before i went there, to see and visit the Lord above. Today, was my first-time-ever to visit the church. I was there for almost an hour. Talking and talking and talking and talking to him. Non-stop conversation. Right after that, i went back home and got online. I dont know if horoscopes are true but sometimes they got right with my day-to-day activities. Everyday i checked on it, and read the line that strucked me and thought that it was God that this note delivered to me, though i read that note late but still it made it true.

horoscope says:

Your Horoscope for NOVEMBER 12, 2007

Today may well find you in the mood to head out on a venture or to visit someone, fern. When was the last time you took a day for something like this? Chances are, it's been too long and not only will you enjoy this, others may be thrilled to have some time with you as well. Whether you pack up the whole family or head out on your own, seize the opportunity to connect with people you haven't seen in a while or to visit a new place.

i know right then and there, that it was the Lord above that this note had referred to. Wonderful message on a wonderful start of the week. Peace!

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